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SBMFC promove Competency Based Curriculum Workshop

5 de maio de 2014

Entre os dias 3 a 7 de maio, a Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina de Família e Comunidade (SBMFC) realiza o evento Competency Based Curriculum Workshop, com o apoio do Ministério da Saúde (MS) e da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro (SMS-RJ).

Na ocasião, os participantes irão discutir as competências esperadas para os egressos de residência em Medicina de Família e Comunidade. O evento está sendo realizado no auditório Bárbara Starfield e conduzido pelos professores da Universidade de Toronto Dr. Cynthia Whitehead , Dr. Karl Iglar e Dr. Perle Feldman. Os participantes são médicos de família de diferentes estados brasileiros.

Confira a programação científica:

Day 1- May 3rd, 2014: Introduction to Competency Frameworks 

08:30 – Registration 

09:00 – Introductions 40 minutes

09:40 – Competency-based Education 101 60 minutes

10:40 – Break 20 mins

11:00 – Competency Basics Small Group Exercise 60 minutes 

Review of Current Curriculum with Competency Lens

12:00 – Lunch Break

13:30 – Competency-Based Education- History and Theory 30 minutes

14:00 – Developing a Competency-Based Curriculum:  Staged Model Approach  60 minutes

15:00 – Break 20 mins

15:20 – Curriculum Development Exercise (small group) 90 minutes

Practice using staged model to develop basic areas

16:50 – Wrap-up 40 minutes

17:30 – End of the first day

Day 2- May 4th, 2014: Steps in Creating your own Competency Framework

08:30 – Introductions and summary from Day 1  (30 minutes)

09:00 – Competency Curriculum:  Specific Design Principles (70 minutes)

10:10 – Break (20 mins)

10:30 – Curriculum Design Exercise (small group) 90 minutes

Practice writing competency statements

12:00 – Lunch Break

13:30 – Assessment in a Competency-Based Curriculum 60 mins

14:30 – Assessment small group exercise: Review of current assessment with competency lens

15:30 – Break 20 mins

15:50 – Monitoring in a Competency-based Curriculum 50 mins

16:40 – Wrap-up

17:30 – End of the second day

Day 3- May 5th, 2014:  Building the Family Medicine Competency Framework

08:30 – Stepwise Approach to Competency Framework Development 30 minutes

09:00 – Basic Principles of Writing Competencies 30 minutes

09:30 – Competency Framework Development Exercise (02:40 hours with 20 min break)

Small group work to review domains of practice

Begin development of content areas using staged model

Large Group discussion of issues, challenges, successes

12:30- Lunch

14:00 – Review and Revise Content Areas (1.5 hours)

Examine and critically appraise area from another domain

Revise own area based on others’ feedback

15:30 – Break

15:50 – Mapping Competencies to CanMEDS-FM 40 minutes

16:30 – Mapping Assessment to CanMEDS-FM 30 minutes

17:00 – End of the third day

Day 4- May 6th, 2014:  From Framework to Competencies

8:30 – Introductions

09:00 – Basic Principles of Writing Competencies 30 minutes

09:30 – Group Work on Competency Development in Content Areas (02:40 hours with 20 min break)

Creating the competencies

12:30 – Lunch 

14:00 – Review and Revise Competencies of another Group (2 hours)

16:00 – Break

16:20 – Competency Mapping Examples 30 minutes- Can MEDS FM link

16:50 – Mapping Exercise to CanMEDS-FM (1.5 hours)

18:20 – End of the fourth day

Day5- May 7th, 2014:  Assessment/Evaluation and Next Steps 

08:30 – Introductions

09:00 – Developing Evaluation Tools Large Group Discussion 60 mins

10:00 – Break

10:30 – Mapping Assessment to CanMEDS-FM 30 minutes

11:00 – Small group exercise to develop and map evaluation tools 60 mins

12:00 – Lunch

14:00 – Mapping next steps:

Development of work plan for next steps

17:00 – End of the workshop